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Privacy Policy & Cookies

1. Introductory Consideration 
On 25 May 2018 the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) entered into force. The goal of the European Union is to give greater protection to personal data defined as “any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person (so-called Interested Party)”. This Privacy Policy provides users of this site with clear and detailed information on the processing of their personal data pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation and the Personal Data Protection Code. In particular, the reader will have the opportunity, by consulting this document, to consult the set of data collected, the methods of their use and in particular the rights available to him regarding the protection of sensitive data. Data Controller (Alias, Data Controller) Pursuant to EU 2016/679, aka General Data Protection Regulation, the company Innprojekt Future Lab srl, with registered office at Strada Langhirano 136, 43124 Parma (PR), Italy, is the Data Controller of its customers. For any information or notification regarding privacy, please refer to the company email
2. Data collected through websites

The Personal Data object of the activity of Innprojekt Future Lab srl are related to the following categories: user personal data, information on the company to which our services will be administered, contact data and potential geolocation data. These data are collected directly when the customer registers on one of our portals available at the following URL:

3. Purposes and methods of treatment

Innprojekt Future Lab srl, will process the Personal Data for the exclusive purpose of carrying out the typical business operations, carrying out activities to improve the services provided, promotion and in any case according to what has been agreed with its customers, within the limits and according to the methods of the provisions of the Privacy Policy.


Therefore undertakes to:
1. a) Treat the Personal Data in a lawful way, adopting all the organizational measures useful to minimize the processing exclusively to those Personal Data strictly necessary to correctly execute the Contracts or legal obligations;
2. b) Treat the Personal Data in accordance with the information on the methods of the processing of Personal Data provided to the interested parties through the information on the processing of Personal Data;
3. c) Verify that the Personal Data are accurate, relevant, complete and not exceeding the purposes for which they were Processed, by informing third parties in writing of any need for modification, updating, correction or cancellation of Personal Data and undertaking to update them , modify them, correct them or delete them upon request.
The treatment will be carried out using IT and telematic tools. Such data will not be disclosed or accessible to third parties except in the cases provided for by law.

4. Transfer of Personal Information

As regards the transfer of data to third parties, Innprojekt Future Lab srl undertakes to follow and correctly apply the instructions dictated by the law, refraining from defining any processing method or purpose other than those imposed by the agreements with its customers. In other words, in total agreement with the current data protection legislation (EU 2016/679, art.13 / 14), any potential transfer to third parties will be requested from time to time to the user concerned, who may object and deny your consent except in the following cases:
• Transfer on request for legal proceedings, legal documents, judicial and / or police investigations.
• Transfer of documents and information requested by the police headquarters.

5. Data retention

Innprojekt Future Lab srl collects customer data to provide its services and retains this information for the duration of the contracts. In addition, Innprojekt Future Lab srl retains the data for a period after the termination of the contracts only and only in relation to regulatory, tax, insurance and other requirements in the places in which it operates. Once such information is no longer necessary for the provision of services, we take measures to prevent access or use of this information for purposes other than security, fraud prevention and detection.

User rights
The end user has the right, in accordance with current legislation, to exercise one or more options among those described below:
• Right of withdrawal: the end user has the full right, at any time and without giving a reason, to request the complete termination of the consent of the data collected by us on it.
• Right to be forgotten: the end user has the full right to request the complete cancellation, from any type of support, of their data collected by us, without providing an express reason. By exercising this action, he understands that the provision of our services may be restricted or may be completely denied.
• Right to rectification and access to data: the end user has the full right to verify, at any time, the set of data that has been collected by the company on it. Additionally, he may request the correction and modification of the data collected (for example, following a change of domain or method of contact by phone / email).
• Right to request support from the Italian privacy guarantor: the end user has the right to request support and additional information from the Italian privacy guarantor, available at

How to exercise your rights
The user can exercise their rights set out above directly by contacting us using the email address indicated in this document, during the declaration of the Data Controller.

Last updated on May 25, 2018

6. Use of cookies

This document sheds light on the technology of “Cookies” and how they are used and implemented on this site.

A “cookie” is a text file that the site sends to the computer or other device connected to the internet to uniquely identify the user’s browser or to save information or configurations in the browser.

Yes, we use cookies to improve the site and provide services and features to its users. It is possible to limit or disable the use of cookies through the web browser; however, without cookies some or all of the site’s functions may be unusable.

Strictly necessary cookies
These cookies are essential to carry out activities requested by the user.
For example, to store information provided by the user while browsing the site or to manage the “login” status during the visit.

Functional cookies
These cookies allow the site to store choices made by the user, which can subsequently be reused. For example, they allow the site to store search settings, authentication and other customized functions.

Analytics cookies
These cookies allow you to collect data relating to the use of the site, such as the content visited and the features used, with the aim of improving the performance and layout of the site. These cookies can be sent by the supplier of the Analytics tool, but they are used only for purposes related to the site.

Third party cookies
These cookies store information related to the use of the site to provide personalized information and optimize the services offered by the site.

Each browser offers methods to limit or disable cookies. For more information on cookie management go to “Settings” or “Preferences” of your browser.


Below is the list of third parties involved with links to the related management policies.
Linkedin policy:
Google+ policy:
Google Analytics & reCAPTCHA:

7. Privacy Statement ( GDPR EU 2016-679)

Innprojekt Future Lab srl (the “Company” or the “Data Controller”), which has its headquarters in Strada Langhirano 136, 43124 Parma (PR), Italy, undertakes to comply with the regulations regarding personal data by providing the following information on the processing of any data obtained or held by the Company through previous contacts in order to maintain business relationships with regard to the sale and purchase of boats.

Our aim and therefore the purpose of data processing, is solely to present our products to you and tailor them to your preferences.  To this end, your personal data will only be used for the purposes of corresponding with you (name-surname, telephone numbers and email addresses) and of maintaining business transactions in case of a product/service purchase (company name, address, tax id number/VAT number).


The Data controller will ensure that your personal data will not be used for different purposes from those described above or will not be passed on to third parties, except for any organisations legally entitled to do so. The data processing method used by our systems guarantees compliance with the EU GDPR 2016-679, in terms of data security and protection, as documented in a specific document published on the website under the Privacy section

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